Petite Allie

I recently found my passion for books. This is where I keep track of everything. I love reading young adult fiction but I am also open to reading a wide range of books. 

Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban  - J.K. Rowling

This was a great novel. I didn't read these when they first came out because the books were below my reading level. I am enjoying them now. I believe this was my favorite book so far of the series. It started to become darker in the sense of the kids maturing and growing. The book just gave off a darker vibe as well.


I really enjoyed the scene in the shrieking shack. It wasn't exactly what I was expecting but I was absolutely enthralled by it. I couldn't put it down. I have seen all the films so I knew what was pretty much going to happen but there were those few little things that were not included that I really enjoyed.


I can't wait to continue on in the series and finish it. I honestly wish I would have tried harder to read them when they came out because I would have been the perfect age to truly enjoy them the most. I can't wait to read these to my son one day.

Nightlight: A Parody - The Harvard Lampoon

I started this book and read about 50 pages but it was bad. I knew this book was going to be terrible and funny but this was just so bad. I couldn't get over the highly dramatized character Belle. It was very over done and over the top. I don't think I will ever try and pick this book back up. No way. 

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore - Robin Sloan

I absolutely loved this book. I read this for the bookclubofinstagram's May month book. I am so happy to have read this. A bonus is that the book cover glows in the dark. 


The novel is about Clay who, after the failure of the bagel place he was working at, begins work at a bookstore where he works the late night shift from 10pm to 6am. The book has a lot of interesting details that make you want to never put the book down. It even tells you about everyone at the end in the epilogue. I love when books really conclude the stories. I sort of wish this novel was part of a series but I am also glad it is a stand alone. I have been reading too many series lately that I am glad to have a nice ending to a novel. 

My Friend is the best!

Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy Series Set: (The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) (The Girl Who Played with Fire) (The Girl Who Kicked the Hornet's Nest) (Millennium Trilogy) - Stieg Larsson

My friend KT just gave me all of her copies for this series. I am so grateful for an amazing friend like her. I am going to do something special for her. I am thinking of buying her the first two copies of the hardbacks and getting myself the last book in paperback. That way we would each have the full, matching set on our own. 

Just....all.....the....feels....all of them. Right Now!

Hollow City - Ransom Riggs

Loved this part two to the series. I was so happy to be able to read it right after the first one but I am sad to have to wait for the next one. It made me cry at times towards to end reading about Emma and Jacobs relationship and how it was going to basically be just like his grandfather's relationship with her. I can't wait to read what comes next.


It is crazy to think that this series isn't over and I am terribly curious to find out what the hollows have in store for all the peculiar kids. Are they really going to take their peculiarities from the kids or are they just going to kill the kids? 

Mr. Penumbra's 24-Hour Bookstore - Robin Sloan
""What do you seek in these shelves?" -Mr. Penumbra"
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children - Ransom Riggs

I was excited to read this book based off of a friend's love for it. When I was reading some reviews on Goodreads I was getting disappointed in the book though. Once I got past the first 100 pages or so I was sucked into the story. I loved how Jacob finds out everything he has been searching for about himself and his grandfather. I loved all the characters in Miss Peregrine's home. It kept my interest very well once I got passed those 100 pages. I highly recommend this novel to anyone looking for something slightly different.